Here is the video of how to use this melody map with your children in Primary. (Note: although this melody map works best with older children, if you have a mixed age Primary, your younger children can be engaged doing the patsch, tap, tap pattern with the shaker and trying to follow along.)

We have 2 sizes of this melody map, an 8.5 x 11 and a 11 x 17.
8.5 x 11 download
11 x 17 download
For some reason the download had 6 of one image instead of all 6 different images. It is not fixed.
What song would you like a Melody map for next?
I am so excited about your melody map for this song! I wanted to let you know that it looks like all pages of the document are the same as the first page.
Sharla Dance
We fixed the tech glitch so that you get all the pages. In addition, I just added a short video of how to use this melody map with a shaker.
Thank you!!
Hello! I am a new chorister and loving all of your ideas! Question- how do you approach the songs that you’re not sure the kids know? I’ve been teaching “I will walk with Jesus” but i wanted to run through “Search, Ponder, and Pray” next week a few times but my co-chorister is saying they haven’t really sung it for a long time. So some of the olders may know it but not the youngers. I don’t know if this is making sense. I’m just a bit overwhelmed right now and just trying to figure out what songs they know and don’t know.
Sharla Dance
Hi April! Great question. Feeling overwhelmed is totally normal! You got this.
When I am teaching a song I don’t think they know well, I do an activity where I will sing the song for them a few times before asking them to sing. For example I might do ‘Mixed Up Pictures’ or ‘Eraser Pass’. I sing the song through as they try to complete the activity or challenge. I might sing the song through 3 – 4 times as they are doing the activity. They don’t know it but the words are entering through the back door. Then in a week or two when we do sing, they somehow magically know the words!
Here is the link for eraser pass (works best with older primary who can read
Here is the link for mixed up pictures –
Hi Sharla,
I’m not sure how else to get in touch with you. I just recently purchased your book To Teach a Child a Song. It has been such a fantastic resource with all your ideas and research in one place. I am wondering though, what has happened to Appendix A? I click on the link to it and it gives me a “404 page not found” error code. Help!
Also, in answer to your question above in the post about what melody map would we like to see next: I Want to Live the Gospel. That song has me a little stumped and a melody map or other ideas on how to teach that would be great. I feel like it could be strong declaration, it has a very strong steady beat, but the melody lends itself to something more gentle.
Thanks for all you do. Your work has been life changing for me in the way I approach music and the gospel and children. Thank you!
Sharla Dance
Hi Kerri, I’m sitting down with my tech guy this week to figure this out. Thanks for asking!
Sharla Dance
Should be available here –
Barbie Anderson
Did I miss somethings? Do you have a melody map for the second part of the song? “Pray, He is there.”
Thank you, this is so perfect! Love you!!
Sherri Helm
I’m trying to teach I won’t walk away by shawna edwards and would love a melody map