3rd Article of Faith: All Mankind Puzzle

Google pictures of children playing from around the world.  Find at least 4 or 5 pictures.









Print them each off 8X11 size on photo paper.  Cute them into a simple puzzle, using the same puzzle shapes for each picture..


Put the puzzle pieces out of order up in the front or around the room with all the pictures mixed in with the others.

Help me put these puzzle pieces together

Ask the children, “While I sing this song, will you help me put together these puzzles?  As I sing the song, I will tap some of you on the shoulder (or point to you) to come up and choose a puzzle piece and help put these puzzles together.”

Sing “We believe that through the Atonement of Christ….” as you tap or point to children to bring a puzzle piece up to add to the different puzzles.  Sing over and over again as the children come up.

What do the pictures have to do with this song?

When all the puzzles are put together, ask the children, “What do these pictures have to do with this song?”  Receive their answers.   (There will be many different answers you may not expect.<grin>)


You might want to add your testimony about how the Atonement is for all children: children that speak different languages from us, or children that look different from us.  Jesus Christ really loves all of His children.

This activity gives a wonderful feel for how many different children Heavenly Father has, and how each of them is someone that the Atonement touches. The children are challenged, involved, and unbeknownst to them, the images of all of God’s children are being associated with this song.

5 Responses

    • Sharla Dance

      Google images under the title children playing around the world.

    • Brianna Nelson

      Thank you for sharing your ideas! It helps so much to have a starting place and then I can run with it and adapt it.

  1. Eva

    Wish I felt comfortable singing by myself. All of you who can sing are very lucky.

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Eva, When someone doesn’t feel comfortable, I often suggest that an older child come and help you sing (it works better if you call before sometimes). I suggest a teacher come up and sing with you, or three children (you can secretly give them the words). Having other people help you sing is a great way to get others participating and owning the song!

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