Here is a great map that works for any verse. They work with the Kids Play Handbell colors (C=red, D=orange, E=yellow, F=green, G=light blue, A=dark blue, B=purple)
This hand bell activity is a favorite of the children. You can use it to review a song, to help the children remember the melody better (because they are hearing it), or as one of the activities to teach a verse of this hymn.
Logistics for using the hand bells.
- You don’t have to have a hand bell for every child, but you need to meet a basic child’s need for fairness by giving everybody a chance to play. Ways to do that are a). divide the group into three (or two) parts. Two of the groups are the singers while one group plays the bells. Switch. Switch again so that all three have the chance to play. b). have an older and younger child team up for one bell. The older helps the younger know when to ring it. Borrow bells from a nearby Primary or Stake in order to have more sets.
- This particular hand bell chart does not use any sharps or flats. You could put one box under every other teacher’s chair (classes of five children) and AFTER you have introduced the rules below, have them pass out the bells. Children will naturally gravitate towards their favorite color, but older children may have an easier time understanding you can’t always get the color you want. The Low Red bell (1) is different than the High Red bell (8)
- Rules. *Hold the bell upside down by the handle only. *NEVER touch the inside ball. It will ruin the bell. *Play the color bell as I touch the color on the poster or image.
- Have each color play the bell BEFORE you do the song… all yellows play, all oranges play, etc…. so that they can practice ringing the bell on cue. Emphasize the difference between the Low Red bell (1) and the High Red bell (8). The high red bell only plays in the chorus. The only time the low red bell plays is the last note of the verse and the last note of the chorus.
- Have the first bell of the song play (yellow) so that you know what note to start singing on!
Verse …You will use this image on the first and second phrases of the song (verse).

Verse …You will use this image on the third and fourth phrases of the song (verse). See the May 30th video on this website to see when to ring the bells.

Chorus … You will use this image for the first and third phrase of the chorus (so you are using it twice). (Choose the right! Choose the right! …and… In its light choose the right)

Chorus… You will use this image on the second phrase of the chorus. (Let wisdom mark the way before.)

Chorus … You will use this png for the last phrase of the chorus. (God will bless you ever more)

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