Stand for the Right: Handbell Activity

Here is a way to engage the children with the song “Stand for the Right.”


Hold up a handbell. Explain the rules and boundaries of the handbells briefly.  Have the adults in the room help you pass out some handbells.  (You won’t need all of them, and you will need two different black handled bells which are the sharps and flats.)  Test each color (Only the oranges play.  Only the light blues play.  Only the black with green play. And so forth.) in both playing and being quiet.

Start to sing the song, and point to the chord (three or four notes playing together at the same time) as you sing.


After the children have played through the song successfully, have them give their bell to someone who has not had a chance to play a bell, or switch colors with someone else.  The children really enjoy this activity because it’s fun!


Note:  To make these posters, I looked at the guitar chords and cut out a circle in the corresponding bell color for each note used in the different chords.

12 Responses

  1. Pamela Friske

    Thank You Sharla !!! So kind of you to share all your talent when you are sooo busy. I love your ideas. They work so well !!!

  2. Desiree Roberts

    Will you please post a picture of the 2nd poster that has the words, “At work or at play, in darkness or light…….”?
    Thank you!

    • Stacey

      I just made a bell chart for the whole song using this method and posted it on Facebook. I hope it helps.

  3. Jocelyn Meacham

    YES please, what she said, ^ we’re too lazy or daft to figure it out for ourselves. 🙂

  4. Myrna Councilman

    Dear Sister Dance,
    I purchased something on Feb 18. I used the discount code. I am computer illiterate. I don’t know how to get the thing I purchased. It was the workshop you gave on January 28 in Payson, Utah. My e-mail [email protected]. My phone 661-946-3388. My Address, Myrna Councilman, 8713 E. Pillsbury St. , Lancaster, Ca. 93535.
    Everything that I have tried that you have demonstrated works beautifully. My Primary children are having a great time, and singing time is very popular, due to your guidance.
    Thank you, most sincerely.
    Myrna Councilman

  5. Renee Hart

    At work (D F# A) or at play(D F# A)

    In darkness(A C# E G) or light(D F# A)

    Be true(G B D F#) Be true(D F# A) and stand(A C# E G) for the right(D F# A)

    I couldn’t put the bell colors on here, but here are the chords for the 2nd poster. Hope it helps.

    • Whitney

      Do you know the chord notes for the first poster? We have chimes for our primary, but not bells, so I’m not sure what notes are pictured. Thanks for posting the chords for the second half of the song!

  6. Holly Peterson

    Hi Sharla,
    I just want to thank you. All of your lessons have sparked a light within me. I always feared this calling as I sat in awe watching other music leaders. I’m an Elementary school teacher and have a great love for children, but I’ve never played an instrument or lead music, let alone sung a solo in front of anyone. Your lessons make everyone including me, feel successful. They are so fun. Thank you a million times over.

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Holly, Thank you for your kind words. I’m just an instrument trying to pass along good ideas based on solid principles. Take care, Sharla

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