Appendix A from the Book

posted in: Uncategorized | 9

In the book To Teach a Child a Song I mention ‘Appendix A’. We put it online instead of in the book so we can update it. Here is that Appendix A!!

It lists out a bunch of ideas and methods.

Appendix A

  1. Abstract Melody Maps (O)
  2. Action Word Actions 
  3. Beat versus Rhythm
  4. Body Rhythm Patterns
  5. Can You Smell It?
  6. Choose the Missing Word (O)
  7. Clap Instead (O)
  8. Color Code (O)
  9. Concentration Matching Game
  10. Concrete Word Stand In (Y)
  11. Covered Balloon Pass
  12. Crack the Code (O)
  13. Create a Verse (O)
  14. Directional Marching (Y)
  15. Draw the Song
  16. Envelope Game (O)
  17. Eraser Pass Game (O)
  18. How Long Can You Go?
  19. Inner Chalkboard
  20. Magic Crayon (Y)
  21. Magic Paintbrush (Y)
  22. Maori Sticks (O)
  23. Melody Map
  24. Mirror Image
  25. Mixed Up Pictures (Y) 
  26. Numbers, Numbers, Numbers
  27. Paper Cup Pop
  28. Paper Plate Power
  29. Paper Rhythm Band
  30. Partner Arm Swing (Y)
  31. Partner Body Rhythm Patterns (O)
  32. Partner Scarves
  33. Patch Cross Patterns (O)
  34. Popcorn Branch, Leaves, and Dirt
  35. Rhythm Instrument Band
  36. Rhythm Stick Patterns
  37. Rhythm Stick Roll
  38. Role Play
  39. Scrambled Words (O)
  40. Scarves
  41. Sensing the Holy Ghost, Bearing Authentic Testimony
  42. Shaker Pass
  43. Sign Language
  44. Silent Video Clip
  45. Song Puzzles (Y) and Complex Song Puzzles (O)
  46. Story Song
  47. Sway and Freeze (Y)
  48. Swish and Tap (Y)
  49. Take It In, Take It Out
  50. Tone Bells or Hand Bells
  51. Waves of the Sea
  52. What’s in the Bag?
  53. What’s that Sound?
  54. Windwands

9 Responses

  1. Kayla Garn

    Hi Sharla!
    When I try to click on any of the links it is taking me to the same webpage that is not the right thing. I am not sure if it is just my computer. I am excited to use this resource!

  2. Melissa

    The links are not working for me. It keeps bringing me to a page that says the domain was recently purchased. I would LOVE to share this page with my new choristers. Is there another way to access the links?

  3. Joni Waldrop

    Is this still being worked on? Whenever I click on an idea it just pulls up a blank page. Thank you!

  4. Jan

    some of these links do not have “instructions” nor are they a link to instructions. Covered Balloon Pass for instance takes me to a page with only the title, which is not a link.

    Please help.

  5. Karin

    Love love love your book and resources! Some of the videos say “this video is private” like the ones for the Patch Cross Patterns.
    How can we access the videos?

  6. Caryn

    The link for Numbers, numbers pulls up a page that just says Numbers, numbers.
    Just in case you have time to fix it.
    Thank you!

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