I stand in front of the children with my scarf held up in my hand.
“Pretend you have a scarf in your hand. See if your hand can follow my hand.”
Begin singing and making the scarf move in this pattern.
“love to see the” (circle, circle, circle, to the left side)
“temple, I’m” (circle, circle, circle to the right side)
“going there some” (circle, circle, circle to the left side)
“day, To” (circle, circle, circle to the right side)
“feel the Holy” (circle, circle, circle to the left side)
“Spirit, To” (circle, circle, circle to the right side)
“listen and to” (circle, circle, circle to the left side)
“pray. For the” (circle, circle, circle to the right side)
“temple is a” (wave the scarf above your head from side to side… left, right, left)
“house of God,” (wave the scarf down by your feet in a circle 3 times)
“a place of love and” (wave the scarf above your head from side to side… left, right, left)
“beauty. I’ll pre-” (wave the scarf down by your feet in a circle 3 times)
“-pare myself while” (wave the scarf above your head from side to side… left, right, left)
“I am young.” (wave the scarf down by your feet only twice then stop)
“… is my” (lift scarf in the air with both hands)
“sacred du-” (lower scarf to the floor)
“-ty.” (lift scar in the air with both hands)
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