Nursery ideas

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Here is a powerpoint presentation that I used at a nursery music workshop given recently.

Nursery suggested songs

You will have to imagine us singing all the songs that are suggested.  We did not video the workshop.

21 Responses

  1. Barbara Gill

    Love it! Impulse control is my favorite skill to work on but also all those opposites you mentioned. Every child should have a happy experience in nursery with rituals and routines which help them feel safe and secure and want to be in nursery. Thanks for sharing and outlining things so clearly.

  2. Jen

    This is so helpful, thank you! I’m not familiar with some of the songs mentioned, such as “Every day I Pray, Pray, Pray”, “Heavenly Father, I Love You” and “I Gava a Body Like Heavenly Father’s”. Are they in your book? I attended the Payson workshop and I loved it! Those couple of hours literally felt like a few minutes. Thank you for giving your time and sharing your gifts! You are a blessing!

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Jen,
      Those songs for Nursery are songs written to support the Nursery manual lessons. I sing some of them on the YouTube channel teachingprimarymusic. I would love to send you the music if you’d like. It would be great to get them approved by local Priesthood authority before you use them. Thanks for asking!

      • Alicia

        Dear Sharla,
        This is such am amazing site! Thank you so much for sharing your vast knowledge and ideas! I feel like I’ve learned a ton from you and Primary always goes better when I use these methods. I’d love the nursery music also, if you’re willing to share? Thank you, thank you!

  3. Melissa

    Thank you for these wonderful ideas. I am always looking for ways to make Nursery music a little more intentional.

  4. Kara littlejohn

    Hi sharla, thank you always for your wonderful ideas and your wonderful spirit. I have been following you for the past couple of years since I found you, your ideas are so wonderful and they work. I could not download your Nursery document would you mind sending it to me to my email I need some ideas to spice up my Nursery singing time. [email protected]
    Thank you for all that you do! ♡
    Kara Littlejohn

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Kara, I sent you some Nursery things as well as the powerpoint presentation I have used in the past to teach my workshops. I hope this helps! Take care, Sharla

  5. Debi Johnson

    Thank you so much for all of your ideas. They are the best! I would love to be able to get the sheet music for your nursery songs if that is possible.

    • Sharla Dance

      I sent some to your email. If it doesn’t include the one you are looking for, let me know and I can send that too. Take care, Sharla

  6. Adie

    Hi Sharla! I’m a new music leader here and have been enjoying watching your training’s and am eagerly awaiting your book – my primary children love everything I do with them that incorporates the techniques I’m learning. I would love to get my hands on the sheet music for your nursery songs if I could (so I can get it approved for use with my bishopric). Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge I’m learning so much and having a blast at the same time. We just had our primary presentation last week (nothing like getting called a few weeks out) and my goal for next years presentation (and actually every week going forward from now on) is no song-word sheets! Thank you for all you do. Cheers, Adie

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Adie,
      I sent some ideas for songs to your email. Also, if you teach the songs using Movement that goes with the feel of the song, Visual intrigue like puzzles and concentration games, Living Music like rhythm bands or Rhythm versus beat or melody maps, and do this every week for about 4 weeks, they will learn the songs well and the songs will go deep into their memory. Go for it!

  7. Darla Broberg

    Sharla – Thanks so much for the Nursery ideas. I would love to get the sheet music for any of the songs you mentioned.

  8. Dixie Downing

    Hello, I watched your nursery song recordings on You tube. Do you know if there is an artist out there that has done a recording of any of those songs that I could by?

    • Sharla Dance

      I did some home videos of the songs and put them up to YouTube. I don’t know of an artist that has done them.

  9. Karli

    Sharla, thank you so much for these resources! I’ve loved implementing them with my kiddos. I was wondering if there is anyway I could access the sheet music to some of your songs? Thank you!

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Karli,
      I sent you an email with some pdf copies. Let me know if they come through! Thanks for asking.

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