When I Am Baptized: Envelope Game for Older Children, 2nd verse
I know I am baptized my wrongs washed away I can be forgiven improve myself I want my life be as clean as earth after rain I want to be the best I can live with God again Prep … Continued
When I Am Baptized: What Makes a Rainbow Activity for Older Children
What Makes a Rainbow? Tell the children, “As I sing this song, look at these statements and figure out which ones of these statements are not true, and which ones are true. Hold up your hand if you have an … Continued
When I Am Baptized: Hand Bells for Older Children
I used the guitar chords to make this Hand Bell chart to use with the Older Children. (You can also use it with younger children, but you will have to have an older child paired with each three and four … Continued
A Month’s (and more) worth of Review ideas
Toddlers (and children) remember better than you think! Nicholas Day, the author of Baby Meets World, wrote an article about what children remember entitled “Toddlers Remember Better Than You Think.” (click the word article above to go to his piece) In … Continued
Song Planner
Dear friends, Courtney Edman created this great spreadsheet for planning your songs in a Multiple Intelligences, full of variety, reach every learner kind of way. I thought I would share it here (with her permission). Song Planner-2 Sit down and … Continued
Stand for the Right: Handbell Activity
Here is a way to engage the children with the song “Stand for the Right.” Hold up a handbell. Explain the rules and boundaries of the handbells briefly. Have the adults in the room help you pass out some … Continued
Steady Beat Scramble: Review for Older Children
The Challenge! Can you tap or clap on the beat where there are numbers? Point to the poster. Tell the children: Tap with two fingers on the palm of your other hand on each number or clap. When a number … Continued
Choose the Right Companion Song
Sometimes the children in older Primary are ready to learn a harmony part or companion song. Here is one idea: Companion Song edited for Choose the Right I teach this separately from the original hymn, then ask the … Continued
2017 Workshop video
In January of 2017, I taught a workshop using the 2017 Sacrament Meeting Program songs to teach different success principles about teaching children’s music (developmental differences between the ages, flow, tension and release, parameters, and many more). Many of you … Continued
Nursery ideas
Here is a powerpoint presentation that I used at a nursery music workshop given recently. Nursery suggested songs You will have to imagine us singing all the songs that are suggested. We did not video the workshop.