Primary Singing Time, March 21

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When He Comes Again, The Church of Jesus Christ, and When I Am Baptized

This video tells a brief story of how Mirla Greenwood Thayne came to write I Wonder When He Comes Again and uses wind wands to engage the children. There is a concentration game using Susan Fitch’s illustrations (available on her website) to teach the song The Church of Jesus Christ. Finally we use handbells to play the chords that go with the song When I Am Baptized. The children watching the video use spoons to simulate holding a colored handbell of their choice.

3 Responses

  1. Karen Hawkins

    I love your videos and am using your ideas in my videos too. Where did you buy the handbells and where can I find your flip chart pictures that I can print? My email is [email protected]. Thanks for all your help and willingness to share.

  2. Cynthia Goates

    Thank you very much Sharla for creating these videos. I gratefully copy your ideas and techniques to make my own videos for our ward primary children. You give me confidence to go on camera and share these wonderful songs with the children. Thank you for teaching us.

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