I ask the children, “Can your hands follow my hands?” I begin to sway my arms back and forth in front of my body to a steady beat, then I call out “Freeze!” and freeze my arms pointing out to one side. I begin to sway again to a steady beat as I sing the song.
We have been – (swing right)
born as – (swing left)
Nephi of – (swing right)
old – (swing left)
“Freeze!” “Are your hands pointing the same way as my arms? Are your feet pointing the same way?”
to goodly – (swing right)
parents who – (swing left)
love – (swing right)
the Lord – (swing left)
“Freeze!” “Are your hands pointing the same way as my arms? Are your feet pointing the same way?”
(Continue in this manner.)
When you reach the chorus, change things up and circle your arms all the way around in a circle.
We – (circle up and over)
are as – (circle up and over)
the army – (sway right)
of Helaman – (sway left)
We have been – (circle up and over)
taught in our – (circle up and over)
youth – (sway right, then left)
(Continue in this manner to the end of the song.)
The lilting feel of this song is given strength by the whole arm movement of swaying back and forth. The children experience the beat and rhythm of this song with their bodies, and the words of the song slip in the back door. And it’s fun!

Es buena idea muchas gracias ?