Update: The video is now available here – https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020
I will be giving a workshop in Logan Utah on Saturday Nov 2nd. It will be 3 hours, from 9am – 12noon.
The location is 1385 E 1100 N Logan Utah.
We will make a recording of this workshop and it will be available to buy here a few weeks after. My son has to edit them and it takes a while.
Would love to see you there!
Jan jensen
Do we need to sign up for the workshop? Also, is it posted anywhere what will be taking place in this workshop? What songs? What type of activities? etc?
Sharla Dance
I am using three of the songs from next year in 4 different singing time demonstrations. I am demonstrating 12 to 15 different activities that have been very successful over the years, and more if we have time. We will be talking about some principles like Line Upon Line, Whole to part to Whole, Variety versus Repetition, and using other brain research to show examples of how children learn best. The workshop has a gmail account [email protected] that let the organizers know how many are going to be there. I would love to see you!
Rebecca Conger
I’m sad that I will be out of town. How may I access the recording. Is it possible to attend via Zoom or FaceTime?
Sharla Dance
There won’t be any Zoom or FaceTime, but I do have a videographer coming that is going to film this workshop. I will let you know when it is edited and ready to go!
Joshua Dance
Hi Rebecca. I just finished editing the video for my Mom. You can get it here. https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020
Debbie Funke
Is there a sign up or charge? I notified the organizers on the gmail account.
Sharla Dance
I think they are signing up at [email protected] so if that’s where you sent it, you should be good. No charge, I just want people to come, play, sing, and open their hearts to learn! I’ll see you there!
Candace Jenkins
Dear Sharla,
I join so many others who can not thank you enough for your efforts and willingness to share your experience and knowledge and fun of teaching with us so selflessly! What you share is invaluable ~ especially your enthusiasm!
I look forward to being able to view the workshop you gave Nov. 2nd in Logan. I purchased your workshop you presented last year and have watched it a number of times. Just wanted to express deep gratitude to you!
Sharla Dance
Thank you! It was an amazing time of learning together. You guys were amazing!
Aura Nielsen
Hello Sharla,
I am not sure where I’m suppose to post this, but I met you at the November 2 workshop. I speak spanish and I would love to help in anyway I can
Sharla Dance
I would love to have some help translating some of the posts for teaching these songs! Thank you for offering!
Joan Thompson Harris
Sharla, I am so glad (and grateful) that you recorded this workshop for those of us who couldn’t attend, yet need your help, ideas, and expertise with next year’s songs! Please send out an email to notify us when the video is ready for purchase!
Joshua Dance
Hi Joan! I just finished editing the video for my Mom. You can get it here. https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020
Is the video for the Logan workshop up yet? Can’t wait to watch it!
Sharla Dance
The editor said it would be ready by the end of the week. Thanks for asking!
Joshua Dance
Hi Kenna! Just finished editing it. Hot off the digital presses. 🙂 You can get it here. https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020
Hi Sharla and the tech team that supports her!
I just learned that my Primary has some extra funds, and I can spend them between now and December 21! I want to buy this workshop! When will it be available for purchase? And where can I find past workshops, too? Have money, want to spend it! 🙂
Sharla Dance
I hope you got some things with the money… the editor told me he will be done with it this week. There are videos from other years also available on this blog using the same principles with different activities. Just search for video 2018 or video 2017.
Joshua Dance
Hi Tina! The workshop is now available. You can get it here. https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020 Thanks!
Also here is a list of all of Sharla’s recorded workshops http://teachingprimarymusic.com/workshops/
Sharla Dance
Hi Tina! The workshop is ready. https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020
And here is a list of all the other recorded workshops available – http://teachingprimarymusic.com/workshops/
Joan Thompson Harris
Sharla, do you have an idea of when your Logan workshop video will available for purchase?
I, too, would love to know! I have some budget left over for 2019 and would LOVE to buy this workshop! But time is running out…
Sharla Dance
The editor said he would have it done by the end of the week. Sorry it has taken so long!
Sharla Dance
Hi Tina. Tech son replying here. I apologize if I didn’t get the video out in time for you to buy with your 2019 budget. It is always a hard video to edit at 2.5 hours. It is available now. This year I will make sure to put up a pre-order in the calendar year so that doesn’t happen again. Thank you!
Sharla Dance
The editor told me he would have it done by the end of this week. Thanks for asking!
Rebecca B Conger
Your inspired ideas have inspired me and the children in my Primary. I am deeply grateful for your ideas. Have you developed a teaching method for the new Primary song, “I Will Walk with Jesus”? I would be interested to learn of of your suggestions.
Again, many thanks. I have your book, and have watched your workshop multiple times. I am always seeking for more good ideas.
tara callaway
hi! i purchased the workshop but can’t find it anywhere in my email…i even tried purchasing again but it wouldn’t let me because it said that the workshop had already been purchased. can you help?
Sharla Dance
I sent your question on to my tech guy. He should be getting back to you this week.
Sharla Dance
Hi Tara, tech son replying here. I resent your email to your email that starts with t****@msn.com
It has the links to download and watch the video. I made sure you only bought one copy. Let me know if that doesn’t work for you!
Ann Shaw
I am interested in purchasing the recording of your workshop in Logan. Is it available?
Sharla Dance
The editor told me it would be done by the end of the week. I will post it on the blog once he gets it to me! Thanks for asking.
Sharla Dance
Hi Ann! It is now available! – https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020
Ann Shaw
Thank you! Thank you! I love the video. I was so sad to miss the Logan workshop but with the video I can watch the parts I need over and over again, which I have. Thank you again. You are amazing and have helped me with my calling so so much.
I’m looking for the video to purchase also, thanks!
Sharla Dance
Hi Tracy! The video is now available. https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020
Mandy Powell
I’m newly called to this position and would love to watch the workshop. Is it up and available yet? Thank you for being willing to share! Mandy Powell
Sharla Dance
The editor said it will be done by the end of the week or so, then he will get it to me. I will put out a notification on the blog when he gets it to me. Have you watched any of the videos from years past? I use the same principles and give different activity ideas that might be helpful for you to consider as you plan this year.
Sharla Dance
Hi Mandy! The video is available now! https://gum.co/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2020