Choose the Right (CTR letters with our hands), The Holy Ghost (paper cup pattern), and Doing Good Like Jesus (rhythm band pattern).
Choose the Right (CTR letters with our hands), The Holy Ghost (paper cup pattern), and Doing Good Like Jesus (rhythm band pattern).
Cheree Daley
Sharla! I was just called to be the primary chorister a few weeks ago. I’ve watched your workshops and ordered your book! Thank you for sharing your talents! You have helped me gain confidence and excitement. The last time I had this calling was over 15 years ago – and I know I’ll be much better this time around because of YOU!
Question – in your workshop you gave in Logan, I remember you saying you didn’t teach more than one verse of a song? Am I remembering incorrectly? However here you are teaching the 3rd verse to Choose the Right? Can you set me straight on when we should and shouldn’t teach multiple verses to a song?
Sharla Dance
I am teaching the third verse of Choose the Right because my Primary president asked me to teach the verse about peace and safety in these times. I am only teaching that verse right now. If you want to teach two verses, you need to teach the separately (two to three weeks each with different activities) so they con’t get mixed up in the brain. Thanks for asking!!! Welcome!