The story of the anniversary of my Mom’s death

As the anniversary of my mom’s death came this year, I had rolling waves of sadness and grief accompanied by off and on tears. for some reason, the hurt was deep. I turned to the person I feel knows exactly what I feel and I poured out my soul in prayer. I knew I was being listened to by my Heavenly Father. I knew he was there to be with me in the hurt. I knew He loved me.

About the 3rd or 4th time praying, I reflected on how much I would love my Primary children to be able to turn to Heavenly Father when they really needed Him, too. I pondered on how I will let them know the testimony and trust in my heart for Heavenly Father.
Sharing with the Children

Elements of an effective testimony to a child
I have found 4 things that help my testimony bearing in the Primary music setting be more effective.
- Prep the Children
A child has a great chance of really hearing your testimony if they are involved and personally engaged with you and with the activity
- 2. Prep Myself
You can’t give what you don’t own.
If I want to bear testimony of prayer, I have to have personal experience with prayer. I have to have conviction and confidence in prayer. I have to have excitement and a passion for sharing that principle with the children.
- 3. Take advantage of the small “pause and go” moments
When the children are engaged with the activity, you can call out “Freeze!” Immediately take that pause and go moment to bear your testimony. Your testimony is just a moment in the flow, then you go on. If you find a small moment where the children are all focused on you, pause and bear a very short testimony.
- 4. Bear a Specific and Short Testimony
For the children’s sake, your testimony is best if it is short. It is best if it is clear and wel-defined (meaning you’ve thought about it and “boiled it down” to specifics), and especially if it is sincere, truthful, and heartfelt. Children, especially older children, have a way of sensing whether or not you really mean something.
Sharing my testimony with the Children
I want to share with the children in my Primary some of the sweet spiritual things I have felt, the surety I have gained, and the growing faith in the things we are all teaching in the songs. I have found these 4 things are really helpful and the children respond.
Mackenzie Smith
Thank you! I went to my phone to find some inspiration just moments before gathering my own children for a morning devotional. I came upon your email that led to this blog post. Thank you for sharing your light!
Jennifer Ragsdale
This is so true!