Using handbells at Christmas is great fun for the children. To see how I introduce the handbells before teaching any of the songs with handbells, you can look at the post for The First Noel.
This is another approach to a chart for the handbells. Take a look at this fun website by Inspired Instructor. The sheet music is posted there for Angels We Have Heard on High. I would print it off then enlarge it to poster size. (I find the children do better when I am pointing in rhythm at a large poster.)
The children’s eyes light up when they get to play the bells!
What Christmas songs would you suggest for nursery? They all seem rather complicated. I would love it at some point if you could add some Christmas songs to the other ones you wrote for nursery.
Sharla Dance
You are so right. None of these ideas are for the nursery children. I will think on that. Thank you for the suggestion.
You could play just the first note in each measure with nursery.