Stand for the Right: Mirror Stances for Older Children

I ask the children…

“If I were a missionary testifying to a group of people, how would I stand?  Would I hold a Book of Mormon up in the air?  Show me with your body.”  The children follow me in taking a stance like a missionary.


“If I were a Stripling Warrior being trustworthy and true in battle, how would I stand? Would I hold a shield in front of me?  Show me with your body.”  Again the children follow me in taking their own stance.


“If I were mother protecting my children from something that was trying to harm them, how would I stand?  Would my arms protect the children?  Show me with your body.


“If I were a father showing my son how to give a blessing, how would I stand?  Would my hands be placed on someone’s head?  Show me with your body.

“There are so many ways to Stand for the Right! ”



I then choose a child.  “Will you be my mirror?  I am going to stand in different ways to show some of the ways I can Stand for the Right.  You pretend like you are a mirror and copy me as if I were looking in a mirror.”  (We practice one or two stances, then I begin to sing “Our prophet has some words for you….” as I continue to pose in different ways to Stand for the Right.

(The other children are watching the demonstration without knowing I gave them an example of what they will be doing!)

At the end of the song, I tell the children “Choose a friend!  Decide which of you will be the mirror, and which of you will move into different positions to show Standing for the Right. You will take a pose, then freeze.  Take another pose, then freeze, and continue all the way through the song.  Teachers, perhaps you can help the partnerships move appropriately if needed.”

“Ready?”  I start to sing and the partnerships move, one as the mirror, and one as the person moving into different positions that show a way to Stand for the Right.  I move among the partnerships, calming over excited children moving too fast, encouraging other children, and complimenting other pairs.  The teachers are also taking the role of that watchful care during the activity.

At the end of the song I say, “Switch!  Now the other person becomes the mirror.”  I start to sing the song, again moving among the children to encourage them and help them to move appropriately.


We have just experienced the song 3 different times, trying to express with our bodies how it might feel like to Stand for the Right.  The children are each involved, participating, and capturing the meaning of the song in their bodies.  And it is fun!



  1. Wendy Killpack

    I’m anxious to be a part of your musical teaching ideas!

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