The website is back up

posted in: News | 6


Dear friends,

Several of you commented that the website was suspended.  It is back up.  (My tech son forgot to pay the server!)  We are back online and he has set reminders so it never happens again. ?


Take care, Sharla

6 Responses

  1. Kathy

    Yay! You saved the day! I’m so grateful for all that you share!!

  2. Ariane Dockstader

    Seriously went into panic mode this morning when I started prepping for tomorrow! Love this site!

  3. Rocio

    Woo hoo I love your ideas!!! Completely love it.

    I would like to do Scripture power for June, do you have any ideas for me? I would really appreciate it.

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Bess,
      I am sending out emails only about once a month because of my son’s wedding next month. I hope to catch my breath at the end of August and be more consistent! Thanks, Sharla

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