Upcoming Workshops in 2018

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I will be teaching a few workshops this year.

Seattle, Washington – Jan 27th 9am Seattle Stake Center (behind the Seattle Temple)

Menlo Park, California – Feb 3rd – Menlo Park Stake Center in California

Atlanta, Georgia – March 3rd

If you are in those areas, would love to see you there!

57 Responses

    • Sharla Dance

      Yes, I have hired someone to video and edit the WA workshop. I’ll post a notice when he gets it done and ready to send out.

  1. Chelsie

    Yay! I just read your comments from your last post, and I saw that you are videoing one. Thank you so much! I loved your last video, and I am excited to learn more!

  2. Heather Murray

    Where will you be in Atlanta on March 3rd? I am not to far from there.

    • Sharla Dance

      Because we edit a lot of the down time out of the video and use different camera angles, it is recorded. I charge so that I can pay the editors (they usually spend over 30 hours to edit it). Thanks for asking.

      • Julie

        I was a new music leader and my son-in-law recommended your workshop video. I could not have done this calling without it. I know NOTHING about music yet I am able to teach them and have fun because of you and your hard work. Thank you Thank you!! Cannot wait for the new video to come out.

  3. Cindy

    Hi Sharla: I hope you will have a workshop video available for purchase as you have in the past! Looking forward to your helps for the songs in 2018. 🙂

    • Kellie

      Seriously, that would be awesome! I gained so many insights and ideas from watching and rewatching your workshop. Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents to help us all. Every time I implemented something that I had learned, it was a success!!!

  4. Dana McClellan

    I would gladly pay for a video of the workshop. I bought last years and use them so often!

  5. Jennifer Wilcox

    Do we just show up to the workshop? If not how do we sign up? I’ld like to come to the Seattle workshop.

  6. Jennifer Wilcox

    How do we sign up? Or do we just show up? I’ld love to come to your Seattle workshop!

  7. Lynn

    So excited to have you come to the south!!! Had a question about teaching the birthday song Feliz cumpleanos. I know you have taught it, and I wanted to see how you did that. Did you introduce it like you do the other songs where you utilize the 7 different learning styles and spend several weeks on each verse? Or do you have set movements for this since it sings about other countries? I just wondered how you treat and teach this song and if you have the same movements for it every time you sing it….kind of like you would treat the wiggle songs for junior. I am teaching verse 1 to both and only verse 2 to older.

    • Sharla Dance

      I teach it several different weeks with different learning styles. I have a movement for each language when I do a kinesthetic activity.

  8. Kara Littlejohn

    Hi Sharla,
    what time will your Workshop be held in Menlo Park California?
    Will there be childcare?

    • Sharla Dance

      There is no child care. February 3rd from 9 am to 12 noon at the Menlo Park Stake building.

    • Sharla Dance

      Which workshop would you like to attend? I think you can just come to the Seattle workshop, but I’m not sure about the California or Georgia ones.

    • Sharla Dance

      The only workshop I think you have to register for is the one in Atlanta. For the others, just come!

  9. Sally

    I am not getting any monthly email. Have been signed up for over one year. When i try to re sign up it says I am already signed up

    • Sharla Dance

      I’ll send one out in a week. I’ve spoken to my tech guy about it, and he’ll look into it. Thanks for letting me know!

  10. Kaylyn

    Oh rats! No Portland Regional Workshop this year? I will miss you! I’m so glad you plan on videotaping (and editing) one. I refer to them again and again. You are an amazing lady.

    • Sharla Dance

      No, just teaching a workshop up here in the Seattle area at the Stake Center behind the Seattle temple. It will be January 27th from 9 am to noon. Feel free to join us!

  11. Joan Harris

    I don’t receive emails or notifications of posts either, though I signed up for them. I just keep checking back to see if you’ve posted anything. I’d love a notification! I especially want to know when your video will be available! Your ideas are invaluable!!!

  12. Dana adams

    I am coming down from Canada to the Seattle workshop. Can you confirm the address?

    Is it:
    5701 8th Ave NE
    Seattle, WA 98105
    United States


    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Dana,

      It will be great to see you! That is another stake building in WA. The address for this building is 2808 148th Ave SE, Bellevue, WA 98007. It is behind the Seattle Temple.

  13. Christyn Bowler

    What is the charge for the workshop on the 27th of Jan. In Seattle!

  14. Stephanie

    Hi! I’m so excited that I get to come to your workshop in Bellevue!! 🙂 how long is it expected to be? Just trying to plan around my husband’s schedule.

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Stephanie,
      We are starting promptly at 9 am and will take a small break at 10:30, then tons more ideas until 12 noon. Please come up and say Hi!

      • Stephanie

        Thank you for the reply!! 🙂 I’m looking forward to it! I assume your workshop will be quite crowded. How early do you recommend arriving?

  15. Sandra Place

    Good Afternoon,

    What is the dress code for the workshops? Church dress or nice casual?

    • Sharla Dance

      I’ll be wearing church dress, but most people come in casual. Thanks for asking!

  16. Stephanie

    I just wanted to thank you for the wonderful workshop today! It was very inspiring! I’m excited to try some new things I learned 🙂

  17. Lisa

    Hi there – your workshop in Seattle was great! A question I forgot to ask: What would be your ideal set up for chairs for singing time?

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Lisa,
      I prefer to have them turned toward the middle a little bit instead of square to the room. That way I can look into their eyes from where I stand… chairs turned slightly toward me.

  18. Kelly Mortensen

    Just want to make sure I have the right address for the workshop in Menlo Park, CA on February 3rd. Is it: 1105 Valparaiso Ave, MENLO PARK, California? I am so looking forward to it!!

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Kelly,

      I am being driven there by other people, but I think that is it. The person to contact is Marsali Hancock.

  19. Sally

    I thought I downloaded the 2018 workshop but when I went to view it, it was the 2017 event, and I already have that one. Even what Gumroad sent me to my email address was the 2017 workshop. Can you suggest something for me to get this straightened out?

    • Sharla Dance

      I will send this to my tech guy and get you the 2018 video when it comes out this week.

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Dani,
      I talked to my tech guy last night and he is going to put it up on the blog this week. Thanks for asking!

  20. Joan Harris

    I’m waiting anxiously for the video as well! Please send out an email when it’s available! I NEED your ideas and expertise!!!

  21. Shawna

    what would it take to get you to come do a workshop in Sunny St. George, Utah?
    I would love to host that if you’re interested

  22. Shawna

    what would it take to get you to come do a workshop in Sunny St. George, Utah?
    I would love to host that if you’re interested?

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