My 2015 Music Workshop video is finished and available for sale!

Sharla Dance - Music Workshop Video 2015

Earlier this year I gave a 2 and a half hour music workshop about teaching Primary Music. I did several examples of Singing Time, using different teaching styles, learning styles, and activities to teach each song. We also talked about the principles and the ideas behind what we do as teachers.

I demonstrated activities for teaching many songs, including ‘The Holy Ghost’ and ‘Come Follow Me’ which are songs from the 2015 Primary Sacrament Meeting Program.

My son Joshua edited it all together and it is finally ready! You can buy it here. I have a digital copy for sale, which is great because you can download it to your computer, or watch from the website anytime you want. You can also burn your own hard copy to DVD for personal use.

If you want to buy the DVD and the digital version, you can buy it here. The digital version will be available all the time, while the DVD will only be available to order for 2 weeks as it is a lot of work for my son to burn and ship all those disks. 🙂

Buy the digital download on Gumroad – $11

Also, I will be sending out a discount code to my newsletter subscribers, so if you haven’t subscribed yet, make sure to do that now. 🙂

12 Responses

  1. Renee

    I bought your video- so far it is so good! I’ve been trying your methods out and find it very challenging for me to sing the right words and do any movement. A lot of the songs are new to me and so I have to practice a ton at home and I still find the added movement causes me to make mistakes as there is so much to concentrate on! Is it just easier for kids? Will this get easier with practice? Also, I find that I can’t easily make up my own movements. I did the Holy Ghost paper cup pop verse one but didn’t know how to make up a new pattern for verse 2. I get quite stumped. If I make it up on the spot with the kids, I end up doing it wrong as its so hard to sing and remember the pattern we just made up.

  2. Alicia

    This training was so amazing! Thanks for making it available! Is there someplace on your blog where we can access the hand out (6 principles) you reference in the video?

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Alicia,
      I am teaching another workshop in July (Bremerton WA area) and I will try to put that handout up on the blog as I prepare for that. Thank you for asking!

  3. Melissa

    I noticed you were doing a presentation in Bremerton, if it’s open invitation I’d be interested in the dates. Thank you!

    • Sharla Dance

      Yes, please come. It is July 18th at the Bremerton Stake Center 3877 SE Mullenix Rd., Bremerton from 9 to 12. We are going to do hands on for both Nursery (30 min) and Primary.

  4. Natalie

    I purchased your video and am watching it. Could you please tell me what your 6 magic principles are that you’re discussing with the group? Thanks!

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Natalie, The 6 Magic Principles are
      1. The brain craves variety, but needs repetition.
      2. Every person’s brain favors specific styles of learning and they are usually different from their neighbor’s.
      3. We need concentration for a small time, followed by a change of pace in order to keep our energy level balanced and flowing.
      4. Line upon line, precept upon precept is a great way to learn.
      5. Whole to part to whole gives the brain a great way to see the whole thing, narrow the view down to one of the details, then put that detail back in to the whole for good brain storage.
      6. Each activity needs parameters… fences so that we can successfully function with one another and still learn.

      Thanks for asking!

  5. Brenda

    I am looking for the words to some of the nursery songs that you shared. Where can I find them? They were a color song and counting song.

    • Sharla Dance

      Red, red apples. Blue, blue sky.
      Orange pumpkins and butterflies.
      Yellow flowers. Green, green grass.
      Heavenly Father gives colors to us.

      On Youtube under the Dancecroo channel, I have a couple of the nursery songs recorded.

      Are you talking about the bee song?

      Here are the beehives. Where are the bees?
      Hiding away where nobody sees.
      Watch them come flying out of the hive.
      One, Two, Three, Four, Five.

  6. Traci Schroeder

    Are these workshops still happening live? Can I still download them?
    Thank you, Traci

  7. ANNIE

    Where can I find the arrangements and lyrics you shared for Come Follow Me in your video? What a beautiful arrangement!

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