Contrast: Teach “Follow the Prophet” with “I Know That My Savior Loves Me.”
In the last post, I talked about using the Silent Video activity to introduce “I Know That My Savior Loves Me.” Before I did that activity, though, I wanted to really engage the children physically and mentally. It helps if the … Continued
Introducing “I Know That My Savior Loves Me”: Silent Video
Whole to part to whole. I took a class to learn how to teach music to children in my college days. One of the strong concepts that came out of that class was Whole to Part to Whole: introduce the … Continued
2015 is here. New songs, new activities here we come!
I sat down for an hour or two yesterday and figured out some activities that will really help the children learn the songs for January, February, and March. I used the contrast of the “flavor” and tempo of the songs … Continued
This Blog is about How to Teach Primary Music
Primary can be a huge blessing in every childs life, and Primary Music can teach lessons that cannot be learned any other way. This blog will be all about how to teach Primary Music. Ideas, games, lessons and more.