2019 Workshop video available!

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Click here to buy it on Gumroad.


This year, in 2019, I presented a 2 and a half hour music workshop in Washington, all about teaching Primary Music. 

We did multiple examples of Sharing Time, using different teaching styles, learning styles, and activities to learn each song. We also talked about the principles and the ideas behind what we do as teachers, how children’s brains work, and how to best help them learn and feel the Spirit. 

After you buy on Gumroad you have access to the digital recording. You can stream it from the site, or you can download it to your computer.

Even if you lose the file you can always download it again or watch it online. 

You can also burn your own hard copy to DVD for personal use.

Here is the link to purchase it on Gumroad. – https://gumroad.com/l/PrimaryMusicWorkshop2019

The 2nd workshop is still being edited by my son. He is very busy working at a tech startup and these videos takes hours and hours to edit. But he says it will be available soon. If you want both workshops, I will make a coupon code to get the second for cheaper.

Thank you!

18 Responses

  1. Jamie Schoonmaker

    Thank so much. I’m a
    Little bit of a slow learn with teach out side my learning style but with your recording I watch them over and over it I get .

  2. Norma Galo

    Please inform me how to get both parts and what I need to do to purchase it. Thank you so much for teaching us and educated me to full field my calling.

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Norma, I’m so sorry this has taken so long to get back to you! (I’ve had a series of surgeries.) We are going to try to film the workshop in Logan on November 2nd, so I will let you know when that is edited.

  3. Nannette

    Thank you so much Sister Dance, I love your teaching styles. Is there any way that you can make the handout available (map) that you refer to in the video for those of us who purchase the videos?

  4. Christine Nelson

    Dear sister dance, I purchased this video on my iPhone and watched half of it but do not know how to access it again without paying for it all over. I was not given a code to use and need to know what to do . Please help me. I have been using your ideas for over 2 years now and have a testimony of this. They work and are powerful.. I have had to find my place in it all and feel great joy sharing and learning with the children. Your book really helped me too. I am so grateful for your dedication to the children and helping them feel joy in learning these inspired songs. You inspire me and I am grateful deep within my heart that you share your gifts to bless others.

  5. Kristi Chase

    I got called as the primary chorister in January and when I found your website, youtube videos, and book I fell in love with this style of teaching. It is all I have been using since I have been called. I purchased your 2019 video and loved every minute of it! So many wonderful ideas! I wondered if you have videos from years past that I could also purchase. I would love to buy all of them!

    • Sharla Dance

      Yes, there are videos from past years. My videographer is going to try to film the November 2nd workshop in Logan this Saturday. I will send out a notification when it is edited. Thanks for asking!

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Kim,
      I’ve had two surgeries and some other life events. I’ll try to be more regular!

  6. Eloise Miller

    When and where are you doing a workshop in Logan, UT? What do I need to do to get to come?

    • Sharla Dance

      Dear Eloise, I am going to Logan on November 2nd from 9 to 12 noon. Thanks for asking!

  7. Joan Harris

    Sharla, you are doing a workshop in Logan Utah in a few weeks. Is there any chance you can record it and put it out there for us to purchase? I would love your ideas for next year!!!

    • Sharla Dance

      Hi Joan, I’m trying to get it recorded. I’ll let you know if we get a videographer and editor. Thanks for asking!

  8. Sally Bird

    How long dies it take to get notification on email after buying the 2019 workshop video?

    • Sharla Dance

      Hi Sally, tech son replying here. Usually less than a minute. I just re-sent your email which has the watch and download links to your email that starts with w***@yahoo.com

      Let me know if you didn’t get it I can send you a direct link.

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