Dear friends,
Here is a list of the songs for 2019 to support the Come Follow Me study starting in January. I got this list from the website. After each song is a clickable link that leads to different ideas to teach that particular song. I will update this site with ideas for the songs of the month about one month before.
“Come, Follow Me,” Hymns, no. 116 – rhythm stick roll, several ideas to teach this song, another idea for older children,
“A Child’s Prayer,” Children’s Songbook, 12–13 – ideas to teach this song
“Jesus Once Was a Little Child,” Children’s Songbook, 55 – ideas to teach this song video
“Baptism,” Children’s Songbook, 100–101 –
“I Will Follow God’s Plan,” Children’s Songbook, 164–65 – ideas to teach this song
“He Sent His Son,” Children’s Songbook, 34–35 – ideas to teach this song
“I’m Trying to Be like Jesus,” Children’s Songbook, 78–79 – how the song was created ,
“Did You Think to Pray?” Hymns, no. 140
“Tell Me the Stories of Jesus,” Children’s Songbook, 57
“Faith,” Children’s Songbook, 96–97
“I Feel My Savior’s Love,” Children’s Songbook, 74–75
“Jesus Has Risen,” Children’s Songbook, 70
“Keep the Commandments,” Children’s Songbook, 146–47
“Families Can Be Together Forever,” Children’s Songbook, 188
“I Am a Child of God,” Children’s Songbook, 2–3 – ideas to teach the song
“Love One Another,” Children’s Songbook, 136–37
“Behold the Great Redeemer Die,” Hymns, no. 191
“Did Jesus Really Live Again?” Children’s Songbook, 64
“Stand for the Right,” Children’s Songbook, 159 ideas to teach the song
“I’ll Walk with You,” Children’s Songbook, 140–41
“I Know My Father Lives,” Children’s Songbook, 5
“When I Am Baptized,” Children’s Songbook, 103 – ideas to teach this song
“The Holy Ghost,” Children’s Songbook, 105 ideas to teach this song
“The Lord Gave Me a Temple,” Children’s Songbook, 153
“When We’re Helping,” Children’s Songbook, 198
“A Child’s Prayer,” Children’s Songbook, 12–13 (See January)
“I Know That My Redeemer Lives,” Hymns, no. 136
“When He Comes Again,” Children’s Songbook, 82–83 another idea for Younger Children
“The Church of Jesus Christ,” Children’s Songbook, 77, some ideas for Younger Children, Other ideas to teach this song,
“I Love to See the Temple,” Children’s Songbook, 95
“Search, Ponder, and Pray,” Children’s Songbook, 109
“Tell Me, Dear Lord,” Children’s Songbook, 176
“Kindness Begins with Me,” Children’s Songbook, 145
“My Heavenly Father Loves Me,” Children’s Songbook, 228–29
“Choose the Right Way,” Children’s Songbook, 160–61
“When I Am Baptized,” Children’s Songbook, 103 – ideas to teach this song
Joan Harris
Thank-you Sharla! Do you have any workshops scheduled for next year?
Sharla Dance
Yes, one on January 26th in Redmond, WA at the Union Hill Building from 10 to 1, and one at the Portland Music Workshop on February 23rd in Beaverton, OR. Thanks for asking!
Joan Harris
I hope you’ll tape one of these workshops and make the recording available to us! They are invaluable! I’ve bought and downloaded the recordings you’ve made the past two years, and love your ideas! I wish I could attend a workshop in person. Do you have anything scheduled in Utah?
Shauna Wallace
Woohoo! Thanks for posting this! I’m so excited for the new year and a new curriculum. Your teaching method and with the Come, follow Me program are the perfect pair.
Tiffany Shaw
Sharla, you have an incredible talent!! Thank you so much for sharing your amazing ideas! I just got called to be the Primary Music leader in my ward, and I’m rather nervous about it because I do not have a natural musical talent at all. I do have a love of music and the messages and Spirit of Primary songs, as well as a love of the Savior! With your help and the help of the Lord, I know I’ll be able to do this.
Rachel Watrous
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Melissa Jones
Thank you – I was going through and typing these out and got just about half way through the month of February and I thought, “ I bet someone else has done this already!” You’re awesome! Thank you for all the wonderful ideas you share. They are engaging and fun without being distracting. And easily adapted to fit the needs of special classes and children. It has inspired me to always keep the focus on singing and letting the songs, and therefore doctrine and teachings of the Savior, be absorbed and loved by the children.
Melissa Jones
Oh now I see it’s from ? But still! Thanks.
Sharla, thank you SO MUCH for putting this together for us!!! This helps out so much!
Emily Gleave
Also, when and how do you do reviews of songs the children have already learned? I’d like them to remember last year’s songs and all the songs they will be learning next year. Any ideas?
Sharla Dance
I review a song we have worked on about every two to three months. The brain has a “brain dump” of material it does not deem needed almost every day. If we don’t review every 8 weeks or so, the songs literally have parts of them that are dumped. (I’ve experienced that with things I thought I really knew!)
To review the songs, I just do an activity with the song…just like when I teach it. Often it goes much more quickly because they aren’t facing the material for the first time.
So as part of my plan for the month, at least one or two of the weeks has songs that we’ve already learned, but we are just bringing them back into focus with a review.
Thanks for asking!
Emily Gleave
Question for you – how and how often would you suggest reviewing songs? I’d like the children to remember last year’s songs and the songs they learn this year. Thoughts?
Sister Dance, I am still not getting your news letter in my Email. Shall I sign up againb?
Sharla Dance
I will have my tech guy check it!
Jayna C Smith
Thank you so much!
Just wondering if ideas to teach this song after a Child’s Prayer and Jesus Once Was a Little Child are supposed to be a link to somewhere else?
Sharla, thank you so much for your creative and inspired ideas! For January, do you have ideas for “Jesus Once Was a Like Child”? There’s no hyperlink other than where to find the song.
I was thinking about doing a Melody map and using my frog sticks to leap on the map.
Sharla Dance
On the Facebook page Angie posted a melody map. I just finished a video with an older hand slap pattern and will get it up. Thanks for asking!
Emily Alatriste
I have had a separated primary but this year we are combining the Jr and Sr together. Most of these methods are for either the younger group or the older group, and I understand why, but what would you do when combined? Would you mix it up by doing older activities with more explanation and help from older kids? And then do younger activities and hope for more patience from the older kids while doing it? Sorry if this question has already been addressed before but I really want ALL the kids engaged.
Sharla Dance
Ideally you have to provide a mix of teaching activities because the ages are so different developmentally. Here is a post that gives a few ideas: Thank you for asking!
emily snyder
Hi! This is such a gift! The link for teaching a child’s prayer doesn’t look like it’s active?
Sharla Dance
Thank you for pointing that out. I just updated it!
Amanda Campos
Sharla. I find your scaffolding music invaluable. I constantly look at your website and YouTube station. Thank you for your hard work. I someday hope I could go to one of your workshops. If you are ever going to do one in Utah… Let me know….
Sharla Dance
Thank you Amanda. We have just contracted to have the video next week recorded, then I will send it to the editor. I’m hoping to get it out by the first part of March.
Kayla Garn
Do you have any ideas for Baptism? I have searched your sight and youtube but haven’t seen anything. I guess I can try and be a little creative and come up with something on my own hahaha. Thanks for all you do. I have just discovered you and this stuff is amazing! I am more excited for my calling than I have ever been about a calling ever
Sharla Dance
I have some ideas for Baptism. I’m putting together several pages. Hopefully it will be up by February 7th.
Amber Jones
I am really bored with the same songs every year for primary. There are so many other wonderful songs in the primary book as well as really good music not in the Children’s book but available at the LDS bookstore. I can’t seem to find a definitive answer anywhere, but do we HAVE to only use these songs to prepare for the program?
Sharla Dance
We are the helpers to the families who are following the Come Follow Me program. We are helping the children come to know the songs as resources for the lessons each week. Your Stake Primary President can call directly into the General Office and let them know your concerns. They are coming out with a new song book. People are submitting new songs until April.
If you are teaching 3 songs a week (5 to 7 minutes a song), you often have enough time to teach the songs recommended as well as others.
Sharla Dance
There are songs that they would like us to use so that a child can go anywhere in the world and still know the songs. That being said, if you teach 3 songs a week line upon line, little by little, you can teach much more than just a few songs!
Liesel Johnson
I always LOVE your ideas and they are so helpful and effective! Thank you! Will you be posting ideas on how to teach “I’ll Walk With You”? Please say “yes”!.
Sharla Dance
I just put up two posts, one a story song and one an egg shaker pattern for older children. I’ll try to get up the ideas I have for paper cup pop and the accompaniment hand bells for this song. Thanks for asking!
Ileana Reyes
Thank You! thank You! for all your ideas. I’m in a Spanish ward and I have applied a lot of your ideas. I have subscribed to your posts in YouTube is there another site that I should go to every time you post new ideas?
Joan Harris
When will your 2019 video be available? I can’t wait!
Joan Harris
Hi Sharla! I’m following up on my previous plea. When will your 2019 video be available for purchase?
Sharla Dance
It is available now!